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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Air Stars, Sun, Moon, Planets Learn how to tell the difference between a star and a planet in the night sky by using the song 'twinkle twinkle little star' as stars twinkle and planets do not
Air Breath Hold breath as long as possible - then imagine when you breath in it is daytime, when you breathe out it is nighttime (that is how fast a tree breathes).
Air Measuring Weather Work out ways to measure and record different aspects of the weather - the rainfall, wind direction, wind speed, hours of sunlight.
Air Breath Make a closed terrarium in a glass bottle.
Air Weather Celebrate the passing of the seasons (e.g. solstice or equinox) with rituals invented together with the children as well as traditional ones from local community or inspired by other peoples
Air How climate affects habitats and cultures Visit a greenhouse (e.g. in a botanic garden) and notice the differences/ similarities between the different climates created.
Air Weather Read the book 'Little Cloud' by Eric Carle and then use your imagination to see shapes in the clouds outside.
Air Weather Observe different shapes shifting and changing in the clouds.
Air Weather Work out ways to measure and record different aspects of the weather - the rainfall, wind direction, wind speed, hours of sunlight.
Air Microclimates Draw microclimates/sectors on a map of a site they visit, walking around together discussing where it is warmer/ wetter/ windier/ sunnier etc.
Air Measuring Weather Creative writing exercise "If I were the wind - I would ..."
Air Measuring Weather Discuss the things that the wind carries - both real and symbolic, e.g. scent, ideas, music.
Air Stars, Sun, Moon, Planets Know the difference between a star and a planet using the song and the ways planets affect us and plants
Air Stars, Sun, Moon, Planets Learn about the moon cycles and the tradition of planting by the moon. Make a moon planting calendar.
Buildings Homes ip ins
Buildings Homes Build homes for fairies and/or animals using natural materials (sticks, stones, etc.)
Buildings Homes Find out what kind of different homes animals and people need.
Buildings Natural building materials Feel different textures and warmth of natural building materials with bare feet or hands (e.g. straw bale).
Buildings Homes Think about what would make a home or bug hotel cosy and lovely for the inhabitants - thinking about the aesthetics.
Buildings Homes See different types of animals and their ways of making shelters/homes.

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