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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Growing food Food forests Share the abundance of the food forest in a picnic with hand-made dolls (made from products of a food forest).
Growing food Food forests Be familiar with new vocabulary such as food forest, edible, poisonous
Growing food Food forests Say the names of different plants in the food forest.
Growing food Food forests Observe the different layers in the food forest and compare with the layers in a forest (roots, ground cover, herbs, bushes, small tree, big tree, climbers, lichens).
Growing food Food forests Play a game (e.g. with cards) matching the needs with the outputs for different elements in a food forest.
Growing food Food forests Be involved in designing and planting a food forest.
Growing food Food forests Maintain a food forest through removing tree guards, pruning, chopping and dropping 'weeds'.
Growing food Food forests Make non-food products from a food forest (e.g. dye clothes, weave baskets, beeswax candles).
Growing food Food forests Value diversity in the food forest through story or song.
Growing food Food forests Visualise walking through a food forest and foraging different types of plants, herbs, honey, roots and more, and collect into a beautiful basket to share with other people in the local community.
Growing food Food forests Sit quietly in a food forest, listening, drawing, writing poems etc.
Growing food Food forests Learn what a food forest is and how it can meet our food needs.
Growing food Food forests Discuss each of the permaculture principles to see how many you can find in a food forest.
Growing food Food forests Say the names and discuss the uses of plants in the food forest.
Growing food Animals in permaculture See a natural bee keeping system.
Growing food Animals in permaculture Watch cows, sheep or goats being milked by hand, and have a try if interested.
Growing food Animals in permaculture Notice what wild animals are eating, and what their homes look like.
Growing food Animals in permaculture Build homes for the wild animals in a garden (e.g. leaf pile, log pile, bird house).
Growing food Companion plants and other nutrient givers See a companion planting chart.
Growing food Companion plants and other nutrient givers See the white balls (nitrogen fixing nodules) on the roots of legumes (e.g. peas or beans).

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