Air |
How climate affects habitats and cultures |
Find out about the diversity of climates around the world and the different biotopes. |
Air |
How climate affects habitats and cultures |
Participate in a talking circle in which everyone expresses how they feel about the impacts of humans on the climate. |
Air |
How climate affects habitats and cultures |
Write about a climate and imagine what it feels like, e.g. "I am a desert, I am hot and dry. The winds blow and whip up my sands." |
Air |
Stars, Sun, Moon, Planets |
Observe the path of the sun at different times of the year and draw a plan showing the height (or angle) of it. |
Air |
Stars, Sun, Moon, Planets |
Learn how to tell the difference between a star and a planet in the night sky by using the song 'twinkle twinkle little star' as stars twinkle and planets do not |
Air |
Stars, Sun, Moon, Planets |
Make a stop-motion movie of the motion of the sun by taking photos from the same place regularly throughout the day. Do this in June and in December to compare. |
Air |
Stars, Sun, Moon, Planets |
Make a sundial by drawing a circle on the ground with two footprints in the centre indicating the place where the child will stand to cast their shadow. On a sunny day one child stands in the footprints at each hour on the hour. The others mark on the circle where the shadow falls. Then the children will be able to use the sundial to tell the time. |
Air |
Stars, Sun, Moon, Planets |
Use a torch and orange (or ball/globe) to demonstrate how the tilting of the Earth on its axis creates different seasons. See how this explains why it is summer in the Northern hemisphere when it is winter in the Southern hemisphere. |
Air |
Stars, Sun, Moon, Planets |
Read a compass to find North, South, East and West |
Air |
Stars, Sun, Moon, Planets |
Take a map of a garden the children are observing and create an "overlay map" of the shadows at different times of day. Place a piece of tracing paper over the map and invite children draw the shadows that they observe on the paper. Repeat this at different times of day/year. |