Air |
Breath |
Find out that everything breathes in different ways (plants, fish etc.) |
Air |
Breath |
Hold breath as long as possible - then imagine when you breath in it is daytime, when you breathe out it is nighttime (that is how fast a tree breathes). |
Air |
Breath |
Notice how when you breathe in, you feel yourself, and when you breathe out you feel that you are connected with others. |
Air |
Microclimates |
On a windy day visit a place which is exposed and compare to an area behind a windbreak (e.g. hedge, trees, fencing). |
Air |
Microclimates |
Experience different microclimates (e.g. under trees vs in a field, the north vs south facing side of a wall). |
Air |
Microclimates |
Draw microclimates/sectors on a map of a site they visit, walking around together discussing where it is warmer/ wetter/ windier/ sunnier etc. |
Air |
How climate affects habitats and cultures |
Visit a greenhouse (e.g. in a botanic garden) and notice the differences/ similarities between the different climates created. |
Air |
How climate affects habitats and cultures |
Design a home for people or an animal that takes into account the climatic effects of a particular region. |
Air |
How climate affects habitats and cultures |
Learn appropriate design for the major climatic regions of the world (food, lifestyle, building, disasters). |
Air |
How climate affects habitats and cultures |
Find out about the causes and effects of climate change. |