Welcome to the Children in Permaculture Activities section
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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Think through different designs and strategies for meeting human needs (gardens, water systems, waste management) by asking the ethical questions "How can we do this in a way that takes care of people, the Earth and creates a surplus to share?".
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. See the permaculture ethics expressed in 3 overlapping circles (Venn diagram) and discuss some actions which could be in the middle i.e. meet all 3 ethics (e.g. growing food is Earth care because there's less transport, and People care because the food is fresh and chemical-free, and Fair Share because we aren't taking resources from elsewhere).
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? Spend time in a aquaculture-inspired garden, touching, tasting, smelling the plants and animals (as appropriate).
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? Go on a tour which explains how permaculture is demonstrated in that particular place.
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? Play a game which explains what permaculture is.
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? Make posters or collages about permaculture.
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? Make a photo collage that shows the difference between monoculture and permaculture.
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? Sing songs about permaculture and caring for the Earth.
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? Discuss Gandhi's statement "There is enough for everyone's need but not everyone's greed".
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? Prepare a puppet show or performance to show what permaculture is.

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