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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Cook following a traditional local recipe (from hundreds of years ago- before supermarkets and global trade - using only locally sourced ingredients.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Prepare a meal to serve to someone in the community who is hungry (homeless, in poverty) - process the experience together afterwards, and talk about how it made you feel.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Explore the question: Does putting our love into the food we cook make a difference? Use the rice experiment - put cooked rice in three jars, one labeled "love", one labelled "hate" and one that is blank. Ignore the blank one and then every day practice saying the word on the label several times. See if there is a difference in how fast the rice decomposes.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Learn about nutrition and having a balanced diet with fruit, vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates. Can the children make up cool names for them or poems to help them remember?
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Learn about ancient traditions of food where you live - what did people eat before there were shops with food from all over the world?
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Find out about how far your food travels before you eat it (go to a supermarket and find out the countries where the ingredients for a meal came from) calculate how many miles were in your meal.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Learn how to read a recipe by practicing together.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Identify less common vegetables and fruits available in the local environment, including ones which grow wildly e.g. nettles, cuckoo flower, etc.
Preparing food Planning and using harvests which are grown or foraged Taste food from other cultures (can you involve parents in helping with this?)
Preparing food Planning and using harvests which are grown or foraged Experience community cooking and eating.
Preparing food Planning and using harvests which are grown or foraged Make ferments/dry/use local traditions to preserve harvested or foraged produce.
Preparing food Planning and using harvests which are grown or foraged Organise a harvest celebration and sell foods made from the garden.
Preparing food Planning and using harvests which are grown or foraged Learn what food miles are, what effect they have on the environment, and why it's good to buy local food
Preparing food Planning and using harvests which are grown or foraged Find out about different ways of preserving foods e.g. jam (without sugar), pickles, fermentation.
Preparing food Planning and using harvests which are grown or foraged Find out about traditional buildings/ structures where the food was stored. Organise to visit such a place.
Preparing food Cooking and baking Prepare a simple, healthy meal for themselves.
Preparing food Cooking and baking Make a cookbook gathering favorite recipes.
Preparing food Cooking and baking Follow a recipe to prepare a local dish without ingredients from abroad.
Preparing food Cooking and baking Clean up after cooking and wash the dishes with minimum impact on nature, use ecological soap and water the garden with the water afterwards.
Preparing food Cooking and baking Pick food which has little packaging, and recycle all the packaging used, think about it's impact.

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