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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Design Designing and deciding Find solutions to problems, through their own creative designs. The permaculture ethics and principles can help to get ideas or guide this.
Design Designing and deciding Create designs using drawing, model-making, post-its, sandbox, building bricks, ropes etc on site, or other appropriate method.
Design Designing and deciding Develop an aesthetic sense - noticing beauty and asking why is it beautiful - in appearance and in function (ingenious).
Design Designing and deciding When experiencing a challenge, learn to appreciate it by remembering the attitudinal principle 'the problem is the solution' (e.g. find multiple perspectives, reverse the problem).
Design Designing and deciding Present their own design to friends, families, teachers, community etc in a form of their choice (e.g. drawing, singing, drama, art, video etc).
Design Designing and deciding Find out about the need for considering microclimate (sector planning) and zones when creating a permaculture design.
Design Designing and deciding Find out that permaculture design is all about making choices based on the ethics of Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share; and that the permaculture principles can be used to help make these decisions.
Design Designing and deciding Learn that the permaculture principles can be used to help make decisions to benefit all.
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees Identify some support species e.g. plants that help to fix nitrogen, or accumulate nutrients like phosphorous.
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees Learn about the different parts of a plant; root, stem/trunk, leaf, flower, fruit.
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees Learn about photosynthesis - how plants use the energy from the sun to make wood (carbon) and oxygen (which we breath).
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees See that seeds have different mechanisms for dispersal.
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees Recognise whether a plant is healthy or sick.
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees Observe how different trees perform different functions in a designed or natural system.
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees Do a detailed plant study: Spend some time connecting to a particular plant, looking at it, drawing or painting it. Notice where it is growing and how it changes through the seasons. Then research it, where it likes to grow, what uses it has etc.
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees Identify and eat different edible plants which are growing in the garden (whether planted or spontaneous).
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees Identify different native plants and know their uses (e.g. nettles for soup or making string).
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees Identify different plants which can be poisonous to eat directly or dangerous to touch.
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees Be able to spot disease/infection in a tree.
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees Describe the uses of local plants and trees.

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