My community |
Communication |
Tell a story about why a person in a picture is feeling surprised, scared, happy etc. |
My community |
Communication |
Listen to a situtation that a doll experienced that is similar to a real situation - and then discuss what the doll felt and why and what they can do next. |
My community |
Communication |
Learn how to take care of another child that is crying, sad or hurt (get a teacher, say kind words, give a hug). |
My community |
Communication |
Play a whisper game (say a word and pass it around the circle, see if it is the same word when it returns). |
My community |
Communication |
Experience a talking circle using a special object (flower, stick, shell) to remember whose turn it is to talk, and who should be listening, remember two ears, one mouth - listen more than talk! |
My community |
Communication |
Observe and discuss - what are our faces telling us about our feelings? Looking at each child and then discussing what feelings they are showing us with their body or face. |
My community |
Communication |
Notice how our voices can sound angry, happy or sad. |