My body, heart and mind |
Feelings, needs and thoughts |
See the different faces we make when we feel differently, try out making the different faces whilst looking in a mirror. |
My body, heart and mind |
Feelings, needs and thoughts |
Use feelings and needs cards with pictures to express how I feel or what I need. |
My body, heart and mind |
Feelings, needs and thoughts |
Listen to the Hopoonopono story: a story about gratitude and forgiveness from Hawai. |
My body, heart and mind |
Feelings, needs and thoughts |
Learn about different emotions. |
My body, heart and mind |
Quiet time |
Learn that quiet time can help people to feel relaxed. |
My body, heart and mind |
Quiet time |
Lie or sit down in the woodlands being quiet, see how many different types of birds song you can catch. |
My body, heart and mind |
Quiet time |
Find a nice place to sit and watch nature quietly, this could be in a tree branch, or in a den, or any other place that is peaceful and comfortable for you. |
My body, heart and mind |
Quiet time |
Dance in silence, together. |
My body, heart and mind |
Self- awareness |
Learn about different needs eg. emotional wellbeing, fun and relaxation. |
My body, heart and mind |
Self- awareness |
Become aware of own emotions, 'how do I feel just now?' |