Welcome to the Children in Permaculture Activities section
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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Using nature's gifts wisely What happens to our waste? Sort different recyclable materials in the right container according to types
Using nature's gifts wisely What happens to our waste? Put coloured dye in water then put a celery stalk in, to watch how the dye rises in the stalk. This can show how chemicals in the water get into things that we eat.
Using nature's gifts wisely What happens to our waste? Experiment with filtering water with different materials (e.g. Galium aparine).
Using nature's gifts wisely What happens to our waste? Create ways to exchange toys e.g. in a lottery or gift exchange.
Using nature's gifts wisely What happens to our waste? Create a simple work (e.g. art) with recycled materials e.g. instruments for a sound garden.
Using nature's gifts wisely What happens to our waste? Put food waste into the compost bin.
Using nature's gifts wisely What happens to our waste? Create a repair cafe with families repairing together, e.g. bicycles, toys etc.
Using nature's gifts wisely What happens to our waste? Observe how waste can be reused.
Using nature's gifts wisely Handcrafts Listen to folk stories about traditional crafts.
Using nature's gifts wisely Handcrafts Happa Zome/ textile imprinting.

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