
B. Living nature  6. The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms

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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The Microscopic World Observe microscopic creatures through a microscope.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The Microscopic World Learn that some bacteria are harmful, whilst others are helpful, thus it is necessary to wash your hands after touching animals, going to the toilet and before eating etc.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The Microscopic World Activate yeast to make bread, observing and hearing an explanation that the action of yeast is what creates the bubbles of air.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The Microscopic World Learn that the essential nutrient called vitamin B12 is made by bacteria in the digestive systems of humans and animals.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The Microscopic World Role play a 'living beings' court in which some bacteria are being accused of being bad. Children act as the lawyer, prosecution, jury, judge. The children defend the positive contribution that bacteria make to the world and show that most bacteria are good.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The Microscopic World Make yoghurt, explaining that it is made by the multiplication of a particular bacteria.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The Microscopic World Learn that there are more bacteria in your body than there are human cells!
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The Microscopic World Act out the roles of different bacteria within a human digestive system, to appreciate how important bacteria are.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The Microscopic World Learn that there are many different types of bacteria and many of them help people (and other animals), and others can make them ill.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The animal kingdom: Patterns, functions, relationships Listen to animal sounds at different times of day/night (e.g. birds, crickets etc.)

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