Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
See that seeds have different mechanisms for dispersal. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Recognise whether a plant is healthy or sick. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Observe how different trees perform different functions in a designed or natural system. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Do a detailed plant study: Spend some time connecting to a particular plant, looking at it, drawing or painting it. Notice where it is growing and how it changes through the seasons. Then research it, where it likes to grow, what uses it has etc. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Identify and eat different edible plants which are growing in the garden (whether planted or spontaneous). |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Identify different native plants and know their uses (e.g. nettles for soup or making string). |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Identify different plants which can be poisonous to eat directly or dangerous to touch. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Identify some support species e.g. plants that help to fix nitrogen, or accumulate nutrients like phosphorous. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Be able to spot disease/infection in a tree. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Plant a tree and look after it e.g. mulching, harvesting, feeding, water, looking for pests/disease. |