
B. Living nature  5. Plants and trees

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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Plants and trees Bushcraft Craft with clay that you find (e.g. by a river) e.g. Blobsters (see Chris Holland's book I love my world).
Plants and trees Bushcraft Tell stories about indigenous people and how they met all their needs from the local environment.
Plants and trees Bushcraft Decorate a talking stick and use it in a listening circle.
Plants and trees Bushcraft Visit a museum which shows artifacts from the local area and invite the children to tell stories about how they think it may have been used.
Plants and trees Bushcraft Use a potato peeler to remove the bark of a green stick, e.g. to make dough sticks on the campfire.
Plants and trees Bushcraft Walk barefoot in a forest.
Plants and trees Creating arts and crafts from natural materials Create a shelter from materials that you can find around you in the forest such as sticks, bark, bracken, leaves.
Plants and trees Creating arts and crafts from natural materials Use tools to create useful items with natural resources e.g. carve a wooden butter knife, weave a basket, dye wool.
Plants and trees Creating arts and crafts from natural materials Spend a night in a forest camping in a self-built shelter.
Plants and trees Creating arts and crafts from natural materials Tie 4 sticks together using square lashing to make a picture frame. Walk around the woods (or other natural area) placing the picture frame in different places as if it is a painting.

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