Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Lie on the forest floor and look up to see the heavens from the point of view of a tree - seeing the leaves, the wind, etc. Gazing like a tree, see what their day is like, watching the sun, clouds, plants and animals, they sense the world through their leaves and their roots (not through Eyes). If inspired, write a creative piece about what it is like to be a tree. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Hug a tree with Eyes closed; or sit with your spine against a tree, see how you feel after a short while like this. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
If you were living in the forest, how would you build a home that you love as if everyone in that forest is just waiting for you to come and be part of their community? |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
See that seeds have different mechanisms for dispersal. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Plant a tree and look after it e.g. mulching, harvesting, feeding, water, looking for pests/disease. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Identify some support species e.g. plants that help to fix nitrogen, or accumulate nutrients like phosphorous. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Identify different plants which can be poisonous to eat directly or dangerous to touch. |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Identify different native plants and know their uses (e.g. nettles for soup or making string). |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Identify and eat different edible plants which are growing in the garden (whether planted or spontaneous). |
Plants and trees |
Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees |
Observe how different trees perform different functions in a designed or natural system. |