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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Invite children to invent their own games connected with permaculture principles:
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Plan how the principle 'Produce no Waste' can be implemented in your group/school e.g. using paper on both sides, recycling, using natural materials that will decompose.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Compare how permaculture principles are reflected in nature and in the garden.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) At the end of an activity children can give and receive feedback, and think how it can be better next time.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Sing songs about permaculture and its principles (look for "Formidable Vegetable Sound System" for examples).
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? With Eyes closed, do a creative visualisation of a journey through a world of abundance and harmony with nature - then make drawings or write about the experience.
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? Learn that a permaculture garden can provide clean and healthy food.
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? Explore the idea that when you work with nature, it can take less energy. For example, after experiencing two different ways to collect water (e.g. one involving carrying a watering up a hill, and the other allowing it to flow down the hill to where you want it). A discussion can help children to think about how to work with the natural flow of water.
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? Learn that permaculture is a way of looking at the world which helps people to live sustainable and express it in their own words.
Permaculture ethics and principles What is permaculture? Discuss Gandhi's statement "There is enough for everyone's need but not everyone's greed".

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