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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. See the permaculture ethics written and drawn in a clear way.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Help to grow food in a garden.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Observe or spot the permaculture principles being demonstrated in a particular place, such as a garden.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Observe or spot permaculture principles in action in nature.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Plan how the principle 'Produce no Waste' can be implemented in your group/school e.g. using paper on both sides, recycling, using natural materials that will decompose.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) After an excursion (to a new part in town, neighbourhood, elderly home, forest, country), discuss how the principles 'Use and Value Diversity' and 'Integrate rather than Segregate' can help us to appreciate how each person in the group is different and has different skills and abilities, and think about how we can make sure we include everybody.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) See the natural diversity which appears at the edges between habitats (e.g. river-forest, forest-field, hedges - look for birds, use quadrats to count plant species).
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Develop skills connected with permaculture principles e.g. 'catch and store energy' through making pickles.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Reflect on the permaculture principles in various contexts such as through writing, drawing, science.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Invite children to invent their own games connected with permaculture principles:

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