Welcome to the Children in Permaculture Activities section
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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Think about and discuss the world from the point of view of plants, animals and other creatures that share our world and like us, also want to be safe, healthy and happy. Ask an open-ended question such as "What does this plant need or like?".
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Practice sharing fairly with people (e.g. food, toys), animals (e.g. giving breadcrumbs to birds instead of throwing away) and plants (e.g. pouring leftover water onto a plant).
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Help to grow food in a garden.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Clean up after themselves indoors and outdoors (e.g. leave no trace).
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Take care of own needs and those of friends e.g. massage, hugs, kind words.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Learn skills related to caring for the earth, e.g. watering plants, taking care of compost, feeding animals.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Observe and notice ways we can tell if people need help (crying, sad, angry).
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Notice ways that plants tell us what they need (dry soil, wilting leaves, yellow leaves, sick leaves).
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. See and hear people supporting each other to feel well (e.g. a check-in circle).
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share. Spend time in a place that has permaculture ethics embedded and hear adults notice and talk about those ethics.

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