Our human family |
Careers and work in permaculture |
See different types of work in the community that relate to permaculture - whether teachers, gardeners, charitable workers, farm workers, etc. |
Our human family |
Careers and work in permaculture |
Imagine creating a house and garden that takes care of the Earth, people and creates abundance to share with neighbors and other creatures; draw your vision and discuss how it makes you feel |
Plants and trees |
Bushcraft |
Walk barefoot in a forest. |
Plants and trees |
Bushcraft |
Use a potato peeler to remove the bark of a green stick, e.g. to make dough sticks on the campfire. |
Plants and trees |
Bushcraft |
Decorate a talking stick and use it in a listening circle. |
Plants and trees |
Bushcraft |
Craft with clay that you find (e.g. by a river) e.g. Blobsters (see Chris Holland's book I love my world). |
Plants and trees |
Bushcraft |
Tell stories about indigenous people and how they met all their needs from the local environment. |
Plants and trees |
Bushcraft |
Visit a museum which shows artifacts from the local area and invite the children to tell stories about how they think it may have been used. |
Air |
Breath |
Notice your own breathing, try breathing like a turtle/rabbit/ladybug/mouse/horse/cow etc and see how it makes you feel. |
Air |
Breath |
"Breathing pillows" - invite the children to lie down with their heads on each other's tummies, to feel each other's breath. |
Air |
Breath |
Breathe in and then release the breathe with a beautiful sound. |
Air |
Breath |
Find out that everything breathes in different ways (plants, fish, etc). |
Air |
Breath |
Make a closed terrarium in a glass bottle. |
Air |
Breath |
Find out that everything breathes in different ways (plants, fish etc.) |
Air |
Breath |
Hold breath as long as possible - then imagine when you breath in it is daytime, when you breathe out it is nighttime (that is how fast a tree breathes). |
Air |
Breath |
Notice how when you breathe in, you feel yourself, and when you breathe out you feel that you are connected with others. |
Buildings |
Biomimicry |
Watch how birds build their nests. |
Buildings |
Biomimicry |
Observe how buildings are built in harmony with the natural landscape and climate (lower buildings in a high valley, pointed roofs where it snows a lot, green roofs, etc.). |
Buildings |
Biomimicry |
Copy a design from nature into something they build (biomimicry). |
Buildings |
Biomimicry |
Talk about something amazing which an animal does, such as 'How does a bird make a nest with it's beak!?!' and try to copy their shelter (e.g. foxes den, wood mouse nest). |