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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Water Water ecosystems Learn about local rivers and seas.
Using nature's gifts wisely Using the power of water, air and sun Play with a toy/wheel that turns in the wind or water.
Using nature's gifts wisely Using the power of water, air and sun See how the wind and water can make turbines turn.
Using nature's gifts wisely Using the power of water, air and sun Play with making things warm in the sun, e.g. a full water bottle (painted black).
Using nature's gifts wisely Using the power of water, air and sun Explore the power of wind by playing with kites and seeing what other things can fly.
Connections The web of life See and experience diverse natural systems, with lots of different types of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria.
Connections The web of life Experience a natural system (e.g. a native woodland) whilst blindfolded, how many different bird songs can you catch? How many different species can you feel/smell/hear?
Connections The web of life Participate in the web of life activity: In a circle each person takes the role of a natural element (e.g. river/oak tree/mosquito/swallow). One person has a ball of string, s/he says what connections she has to another element (e.g. swallow eats fly; bat lives in tree) and throws the string to them, whilst keeping hold of the end of the string. This repeats until everybody is connected with the string in a web. It can continue until elements have many connections. Discuss that the string represents the invisible connections between all life. Observe what happens if one element is destroyed (meaning the child releases the string they are holding), continue taking out the elements and observe what happens to the web of life.
Connections The web of life Experiment with growing seeds: compare seeds which are given most their needs but no water, to one which has no sun, or air, or if a seed has all it's needs met.
Connections The web of life Stay overnight in the wood to get deeper connections to nature and each other.
Connections The web of life List all the inputs and the outputs for a common plant or animal (different groups could take different plants/animals), get creative, see how many inputs/outputs you can list. Draw the connections with other plants and animals, can you draw it into a closed loop system where all the outputs become inputs for something else?
Connections The web of life List all the inputs and the outputs for a common human food (e.g. a can of juice), get creative, see how far you can go back (with inputs) and how far you can go forward (with outputs). Can you make it (this food or a replacement for it) a closed loop system (where the outputs from one thing become inputs for something else)?
Connections The web of life Connect to your own impact on the rest of the Earth by celebrating the great things you already do.
Connections The web of life Feel that everything has it's place and purpose in the world by doing the web of life activity.
Connections The web of life Value diversity and the gifts diversity brings.
Connections The web of life Learn the importance of the web of life and the benefits of diversity within it.
Connections The web of life Think about how all living things are connected: e.g. through eating, excreting, breathing.
Connections The web of life Explore how all living things depend on the sun, water, soil, air, and other plants, animals, fungi and bacteria to live, through matching cards with the different elements drawn on them.
Water The properties of water and the water cycle Watch diffusion of a something (e.g. a dye) and see how it is absorbed by a plant.
Water The properties of water and the water cycle Experiment with filtering water with different materials.

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