Welcome to the Children in Permaculture Activities section
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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Soil and stone Experiencing different landscapes (beaches, hills, forests, fields). Observe different soils in the region e.g. in a farm, wetland, and forest.
Soil and stone Experiencing different landscapes (beaches, hills, forests, fields). Sketch the key features that distinguish each landscape such as plains, hills, valleys, rivers, lakes, sea.
Soil and stone Experiencing different landscapes (beaches, hills, forests, fields). Go for a walk to observe and take photographs of different habitats (e.g. the types of plants which live on the hilltop compared to valley floor, marsh, or next to the river).
Soil and stone Experiencing different landscapes (beaches, hills, forests, fields). Appreciate different landscapes and their various gifts e.g. in a small group draw a big picture of a certain landscape and illustrate the gifts/benefits of it for nature and/or people. Different groups appreciate different landscapes. Hear from each of the different groups and relate to the principle 'Use and Value Diversity'.
Soil and stone Experiencing different landscapes (beaches, hills, forests, fields). Research how the local landscapes were formed, and how they are still changing. Children can share this with each other e.g. by a guided visualisation in which the children are all lying down with Eyes closed, and we 'zoom' back in time and then slowly visualise how our landscape was formed.
Soil and stone Experiencing different landscapes (beaches, hills, forests, fields). Find out how the landscape affects what lives in each place (river vs sea vs forest etc).
Our human family Ethical trade Visit a market and observe how it is organised.
Our human family Ethical trade Organise a market selling produce grown in the school grounds. Compare and contrast different methods of sales: e.g. price list vs donation basis.
Our human family Ethical trade Find out about the lives of people working in unfair conditions (from reading, researching, documentaries or by talking to a person who has experienced it) and talk about why it is unfair (e.g. child labour for producing coltan for mobile phone batteries). Discuss the meaning of fair and unfair and how it makes you feel to be treated fairly and unfairly.
Our human family Ethical trade Make a multimedia exhibition to compare the stories behind a fair vs unfair product (e.g. Fair Trade chocolate vs multinational chocolate). Invite the parents or wider community to see their exhibition and/or the children can act out the stories they learned about.
Our human family Ethical trade Find out about the Fair Trade standard, why it is needed and what it means.
Our human family Ethical trade Recognise and choose products which are produced in a fair way (e.g. with Fair Trade mark, organic standards etc.)
Using nature's gifts wisely Eco-friendly travel Observe the impact of various ways of transport (steam trains [coal], traffic jams, horse and cart, etc).
Using nature's gifts wisely Eco-friendly travel Use an "Eco footprint calculator" app to measure the environmental impact of different forms of travel over a given distance.
Using nature's gifts wisely Eco-friendly travel Implement an active travel plan (to save fossil fuels).
Using nature's gifts wisely Eco-friendly travel Celebrate as a whole school the number of days/distance travelled with lowest carbon footprint (compare using an app or other method).
Using nature's gifts wisely Eco-friendly travel Learn about the benefits of active travel (cycling and walking etc.) and different alternatives to the car.
Using nature's gifts wisely Eco-friendly travel Learn about eco-friendly ways of traveling and transportation.
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees See that seeds have different mechanisms for dispersal.
Plants and trees Discovering the properties and uses of different wild and cultivated plants and trees Recognise whether a plant is healthy or sick.

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