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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Find out about the history of the foods and plants that were traditionally cultivated in the local community.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Discuss what makes a garden flourish, including what qualities a great gardener would have.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Select appropriate plant species for the location: microclimate, soil type, soil pH, etc.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Discuss the benefit of perennials over annual plants.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Learn when to harvest different types of produce from the garden.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Read the book "Farmer Phil’s Permaculture: the original permaculture children’s book" and discuss.
My community Group decision making Observe a group making a (sociocratic) decision, then ask did everyone get a voice? Was it fair?
My community Group decision making Make a group decision in different ways, compare and contrast e.g. democratic voting (as in first past the post democracy), consent decision making process (as practiced in sociocracy), whoever speaks first/loudest etc.
My community Group decision making Connect with each other before making a group decision (play a collective game, sing a song together holding hands, etc).
My community Group decision making Compare making decisions in small groups and large groups.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Fungi: parasites, recyclers and the wood wide web Turn over a log or stone to find mycellium and if possible look at it under a microscope or magnifying glass.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Fungi: parasites, recyclers and the wood wide web Identify one edible and one poisonous mushroom.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Fungi: parasites, recyclers and the wood wide web Act out the three different roles that fungi play in the woods (different species have different roles). Some are recyclers - decomposing dead matter and making the nutrients available to other species. Others are parasites - eating living trees. Others are plant-friends (mycorrhizal) and are feeding the plants with nutrients whilst the plants also feed them.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Fungi: parasites, recyclers and the wood wide web Learn that (mycorrhizal) fungi are the wood wide web - they help distribute nutrients (taking nutrients to where they are needed) and enable trees to communicate with others (that are far away).
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Fungi: parasites, recyclers and the wood wide web Learn that a mushroom is like an apple on a tree - it is the fruit of the living organism, the majority of which is under the ground as mycellium.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Fungi: parasites, recyclers and the wood wide web Learn that different fungi have different ways of living e.g. 'mycorrhizal' fungi feed plants and get their food from plants; parasites eat living plants; recyclers eat dead matter.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Fungi: parasites, recyclers and the wood wide web Learn that mycorrhizal fungi are so important to plants that plants actually feed them.
Using nature's gifts wisely Fossil fuels, climate change and peak oil Make a stop-motion animation or a time-lapse video about climate change.
Using nature's gifts wisely Fossil fuels, climate change and peak oil Go through the classroom and chart or graph visually the materials that different items are made of - to see how many are made out of plastics using fossil fuels.
Using nature's gifts wisely Fossil fuels, climate change and peak oil Write a poem or essay from the perspective of a prehistoric forest that has turned into oil and then plastic, and then what happens?

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