Welcome to the Children in Permaculture Activities section
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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Using nature's gifts wisely Handcrafts Touch, smell, feel and see different materials (e.g. wool, cotton, hemp, bamboo).
Using nature's gifts wisely Handcrafts Learn some basic crafts (e.g. French knitting).
Using nature's gifts wisely Handcrafts Model clay (preferably harvested locally).
Using nature's gifts wisely Handcrafts Happa Zome/ textile imprinting.
Using nature's gifts wisely Handcrafts Listen to folk stories about traditional crafts.
Using nature's gifts wisely Handcrafts See and touch different hand crafts made from different materials.
Using nature's gifts wisely Handcrafts Create and decorate clothes (e.g. sewing, knitting, crochet, embroidery).
Using nature's gifts wisely Handcrafts Make useful items out of wood, through sawing, carving, hand-drilling, pyrography etc.
Using nature's gifts wisely Handcrafts Make useful items from clay.
Using nature's gifts wisely Handcrafts Celebrate and exhibit handcrafts.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Observe how different types of plants grow well in different places depending on the available sun, space, water, heat, nutrients etc.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Spot local plants which are poisonous, harmful and/or edible. This can turn into a (hand) game 'Everyone run and stand next to a poisonous plant' or 'Everyone touch an oak tree'.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Observe and identify different types of seeds.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Observe how a garden inspired by permaculture is different from other styles of gardening.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way See how mushrooms grow on logs.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Forage for wild plants we can eat in the local area.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Spot some of the elements in a permaculture garden e.g. mixed species planting, mulched beds, curved paths, water storage, companion planting.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Grow food in polycultures.
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Make a new baby plant from a parent plant (taking cuttings).
Growing food Growing food the permaculture way Collect vegetable/fruit seeds and store them for the winter and/or share with your family or friends.

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