Preparing food |
Helping to prepare food and eating together |
Prepare a meal to serve to someone in the community who is hungry (homeless, in poverty) - process the experience together afterwards, and talk about how it made you feel. |
Preparing food |
Helping to prepare food and eating together |
Explore the question: Does putting our love into the food we cook make a difference? Use the rice experiment - put cooked rice in three jars, one labeled "love", one labelled "hate" and one that is blank. Ignore the blank one and then every day practice saying the word on the label several times. See if there is a difference in how fast the rice decomposes. |
Preparing food |
Helping to prepare food and eating together |
Learn about nutrition and having a balanced diet with fruit, vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates. Can the children make up cool names for them or poems to help them remember? |
Preparing food |
Helping to prepare food and eating together |
Learn about ancient traditions of food where you live - what did people eat before there were shops with food from all over the world? |
Preparing food |
Helping to prepare food and eating together |
Find out about how far your food travels before you eat it (go to a supermarket and find out the countries where the ingredients for a meal came from) calculate how many miles were in your meal. |
Preparing food |
Helping to prepare food and eating together |
Learn how to read a recipe by practicing together. |
Preparing food |
Helping to prepare food and eating together |
Identify less common vegetables and fruits available in the local environment, including ones which grow wildly e.g. nettles, cuckoo flower, etc. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Smell, touch and taste different varieties of vegetables and fruits grown in the garden as well as wild edibles. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Observe the process of growth of an annual plant from sowing a seed to growing, flowering, fruiting and seeding. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Touch and compare different seeds, e.g. the seeds of sunflowers, beans, wheat, poppy, apricots. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Help to grow food plants in a garden and care for them by watering, mulching etc. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Collect seeds from different plants. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Harvest food from the garden. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Use tools safely that are age appropriate e.g. trowels. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Sprout seeds and eat them. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Play games with sorting, grouping or matching seeds, fruits, nuts or vegetables by sizes, colours and shapes. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Share the abundance of harvests with others, including with birds, animals and compost worms. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Create a planting ceremony - e.g. with songs/ poems / dance and asking the earth to feed the plant, the sun to shine on it, rain to water it, other plants to protect it from bugs. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Sing songs and give thanks to the earth or "mother nature" for the food it provides. |
Growing food |
Helping to grow food |
Celebrate harvests with festivals or special meals. |