Welcome to the Children in Permaculture Activities section
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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Buildings Homes Find out what kind of different homes animals and people need.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Taste different healthy foods.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Notice the smells of different herbs, fruits and vegetables when they are raw and when they are cooked.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Watch adults preparing food, and participate as appropriate.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Eat together with other people by each person/group bringing something for the table and sharing the food.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Make a fruit salad and other simple recipes.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Sprout seeds and eat them.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Prepare food or drink from something harvested in the garden.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Use a knife and/or vegetable peeler with supervision.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Play "kitchen" with real vegetables.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Give thanks for the food we eat by poems, songs etc.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Celebrate everyone's contribution in preparing the meal (e.g. 'Thanks Harry for laying the table, Thanks Polly for chopping the vegetables' see how many thanks you can give (farmers, sun)
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Take turns serving food to each other and saying 'Please' and 'Thank you'.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Sing a song before a meal, which appreciates the food we are about to eat.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Identify common vegetables and fruits.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Learn that all food has to be grown and prepared for us to eat it.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Notice the differences in taste, colour and texture between boiling, steaming, frying and baking the same vegetable.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Notice how long it takes for vegetables to grow - make a growth chart and record daily observations.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Plant a garden that will provide all of the vegetables needed to prepare a special meal (which the children cook) for parents some weeks later.
Preparing food Helping to prepare food and eating together Cook following a traditional local recipe (from hundreds of years ago- before supermarkets and global trade - using only locally sourced ingredients.

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