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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Soil and stone Indicator species Experiment with changing the soil conditions to see if that affects the plants which grow there spontaneously (e.g. in a grassy area with small rushes (Juncus species) growing in a straight line this may be due to soil compaction. One could dig a section in the row and leave another area untouched. Return months later to see the changes in what plants are growing spontaneously there).
Soil and stone Indicator species Create a story, poem or song about the need for plants to have their own niche (i.e. how different types of plants love being in different places).
Soil and stone Indicator species Learn that an indicator species is one which, if abundant, healthy and spontaneous (not planted), can tell you something about the local conditions, such as a plant which tells you whether the soil is compacted, wet, dry, acidic, or alkaline.
Design Implementation: making it happen See an implementation plan and experience how following it can help get things done (e.g. implementing an anti-bullying policy prepared by children).
Design Implementation: making it happen Be involved in the implementation of their design (e.g. collecting materials, creating a garden, hosting a party, organising an event).
Design Implementation: making it happen Meet regularly to celebrate tasks completed.
Design Implementation: making it happen Create a colourful implementation plan together with interesting and fun names which shows all the information needed to get things done: tasks, timeline, roles, work flows (whether 1 thing needs done before another) and ask who would be passionate about doing them.
Design Implementation: making it happen Learn that to make bigger projects you may need more planning
Design Implementation: making it happen Learn that many hands make light work.
Air How climate affects habitats and cultures Visit a greenhouse (e.g. in a botanic garden) and notice the differences/ similarities between the different climates created.
Air How climate affects habitats and cultures Design a home for people or an animal that takes into account the climatic effects of a particular region.
Air How climate affects habitats and cultures Learn appropriate design for the major climatic regions of the world (food, lifestyle, building, disasters).
Air How climate affects habitats and cultures Find out about the causes and effects of climate change.
Air How climate affects habitats and cultures Find out about the diversity of climates around the world and the different biotopes.
Air How climate affects habitats and cultures Participate in a talking circle in which everyone expresses how they feel about the impacts of humans on the climate.
Air How climate affects habitats and cultures Write about a climate and imagine what it feels like, e.g. "I am a desert, I am hot and dry. The winds blow and whip up my sands."
Buildings Homes See different types of animals and their ways of making shelters/homes.
Buildings Homes Build homes for fairies and/or animals using natural materials (sticks, stones, etc.)
Buildings Homes Find out what kind of different homes animals and people need.
Buildings Homes Think about what would make a home or bug hotel cosy and lovely for the inhabitants - thinking about the aesthetics.

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