Connections |
Patterns |
Find out about the permaculture principle 'Design from Pattern to Details' through examining a tree and it's leaf. Discuss how nature uses patterns and why. |
Connections |
Patterns |
Explore patterns in daily, solar, seasonal and lunar cycles, and make a connection with how we all live within cycles large and small and their impact on us. |
Connections |
Patterns |
Observe the sound landscape, listening for patterns (e.g. bird song, river etc.). |
Connections |
Patterns |
See branching and spiral patterns in different natural systems (e.g. water, flowers, growing plants). |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Feel different textures and warmth of natural building materials with bare feet or hands (e.g. straw bale). |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Make models using different geometry (e.g. reciprocal-frame roof, geodesic dome etc.) |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Build something e.g. a shelter, chicken tractor, raised bed and create a scale drawing of it. |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Choose a simple building plan and then try building it (for example with wooden blocks). |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Learn vocabulary for natural building materials, such as moss, straw, clay. |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Learn basic tool safety rules, e.g. when carrying a tool always walk (not run), hold it in a safe way, the names of the different parts of the tool (e.g. handle, blade). |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Make a scale-drawing (and learn how to read them). |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Experiment with using thermal mass (e.g. a water storage or rock inside a polytunnel) and see how when inserted in case help keep the temperatures moderate (cooler in afternoon and warmer in the night). |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Learn about local building materials which are used in local constructions, and research the benefits of the different materials. |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Find out about different methods to warm and cool buildings, and compare them - What resources do they use? How much do they cost? What are the environmental effects of using them? |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Learn the importance of the orientation of a building/den (with respect to sun/wind and how it effects the inside microclimate e.g. a den with the wind passing through will be cooler than one sheltered from the wind). |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Be grateful for nature and the materials it provides by thanking all of the different natural elements that helped to build your house (if you see wood, thank trees, stones thank the earth) - draw symbols of each of these elements and make a collage to hang in the entrance. |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Celebrate what you have built with friends. |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Use tools such as spades, hammers, saws, as appropriate to their age. |
Buildings |
Natural building materials |
Build with natural building materials - wood, moss, straw, clay. |
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms |
Mushrooms |
See and touch different shapes/sizes/species of mushrooms with an adult. |