Welcome to the Children in Permaculture Activities section
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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Explore vocabulary: war, peace, diversity, justice, integration, segregation, inclusion, exclusion, negotation, compromise, win-win.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Do a simulation game of two countries at war based on a real situation (past or present); the children must negotiate together a peace agreement.
Connections Patterns Learn about fractal forms that you meet in your everyday life, e.g. spiral in sunflower, cauliflower, ferns.
Connections Patterns Find different patterns in several different systems: (e.g. spirals in rivers: flowers: snails, also spirals, scatter, wave, net, lobe) and try to work out the function of that pattern (e.g. branching for collection and distribution, spirals for growth).
Connections Patterns See the patterns within the large scale (e.g. stars, weather or ocean currents), to give us a sense of place and develop a sense of awe.
Connections Patterns See the same pattern in different natural systems (e.g. the branching pattern is in trees, rivers, leaves and lungs), try using a magnifying glass to observe closely.
Connections Patterns See fractals (e.g. in a cauliflower, ferns).
Connections Patterns Learn about the different patterns which exist in nature (spiral, branching etc.).
Connections Patterns Learn about the different seasonal patterns.
Connections Patterns Listen to stories about the patterns of nature - patterns of the seasons and other natural cycles.
Connections Patterns Explore patterns in daily, solar, seasonal and lunar cycles, and make a connection with how we all live within cycles large and small and their impact on us.
Connections Patterns Connect to a pattern in nature, and express it through any art form (dance, draw, paint).
Connections Patterns Spot the plants, insects or birds which are abundant in certain seasons.
Connections Patterns Observe the similarities between human beings and other animals (eat, sleep, excrete...).
Connections Patterns Create your own pattern (like a mandala, or spiral).
Connections Patterns Make prints from leaves, bark, shells and other interesting natural textures and patterns.
Connections Patterns Create colour print from plants (e.g. through hapa zome) to see the patterns within leaves and flowers.
Connections Patterns Dance in a pattern, e.g. a spiral.
Connections Patterns Collect things which are abundant at that time of year: foraging (e.g. berries).
Connections Patterns Play percussion instruments together, with groups following different rhythms that combine together like an orchestra.

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