Welcome to the Children in Permaculture Activities section
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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Buildings Shelter Learn that people in different parts of the world design their homes and buildings to best suit the materials they have and their climate.
My body, heart and mind Self-expression through body, heart and mind Practice self-reflection through different art forms eg. song, theatre, drawing.
My body, heart and mind Self-expression through body, heart and mind Choose a word that helps instead of hurts eg. "I feel angry because..." instead of "I hate you..."
My body, heart and mind Self- awareness Become aware of own emotions, 'how do I feel just now?'
My body, heart and mind Self- awareness Learn about different needs eg. emotional wellbeing, fun and relaxation.
My body, heart and mind Self- awareness Learn about the importance of eye contact and how to use it.
My body, heart and mind Self- awareness Learn the importance of all our subsistence needs being met to be healthy - food, water, shelter, air.
Connections Seeing the whole picture Learn that humans are a part of nature, embedded in nature and dependent upon nature.
Connections Seeing the whole picture Find ways to express how you are connected to nature - through poetry, singing, dancing, painting, or another form of creative expression.
Connections Seeing the whole picture Take a local issue of environmental degradation (e.g. illegal dumping of waste, trees which are going to be cut down), find out all the causes and effects of that one issue, decide on an action to help stop the degradation (e.g. write letters, make a display at school, make a petition). Act on behalf of nature.
Connections Seeing the whole picture Make a mask of a local animal or plant and become that being for a while - how does it feel? How is it affected by humans? What could people learn from you?
Connections Seeing the whole picture Explore the many benefits which people gain from nature: such as the air being cleaned by trees, crops pollinated by insects etc. (Educators can read about 'ecosystem services' for more information)
Connections Seeing the whole picture See an example of how one small thing can affect the whole system (such as the reintroduction of beavers).
Connections Seeing the whole picture See the woods and the trees (literally, climb a hill to see the woods, compare with being inside the woods).
My community Resolving conflict Tell your story about a wonderful relationship you have (with a friend, elder, an animal, a dream, etc).
My community Resolving conflict Learn conflict resolution skills: mediating a conflict between two friends by listening to both sides and helping them to listen to each other and find a solution.
My community Resolving conflict Work in groups with people of different ages, stages, abilities, ethnicities, genders etc.
My body, heart and mind Quiet time Find a nice place to sit and watch nature quietly, this could be in a tree branch, or in a den, or any other place that is peaceful and comfortable for you.
My body, heart and mind Quiet time Learn that quiet time can help people to feel relaxed.
My body, heart and mind Quiet time Dance in silence, together.

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