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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Soil and stone Stones Compare the growth of plants grown in the open, with plants grown near large rocks acting as heat stores (all other factors e.g. soil depth, should be kept equal).
Soil and stone Stones Identify common rocks in the region.
Soil and stone Stones Put rocks in a garden to catch and store heat energy in places where it is needed.
Soil and stone Stones Hear a story of how rocks were made and are still moving very slowly.
Soil and stone Stones Give thanks to stones and all the different things they give to us, e.g. warmth, buildings, walls, soil, a place for minibeasts to live.
Soil and stone Stones Learn the main ways which rocks are formed (if children interested can use names igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) and how that relates to forming soils, thus our food.
Soil and stone Stones Explore which types of soil and stone resources are in the region and how that impacts on the different plants and animals that can live there.
Design Surveying the landscape and people Experience different microclimates in different weather, notice the differences with all your senses.
Design Surveying the landscape and people Observe and recognise well designed systems in the human environment (e.g. school kitchen, permaculture garden/farm, city squares that have multiple functions etc.).
Design Surveying the landscape and people Use all the senses to make observations (e.g skin for microclimates)
Design Surveying the landscape and people Observe the feelings and needs of yourself and others.
Design Surveying the landscape and people See and read maps made by others
Design Surveying the landscape and people See a map being created
Design Surveying the landscape and people Identify various patterns in many different places and in different scales e.g. branching/spirals
Design Surveying the landscape and people Learn about the history of the place and indigenous/traditional knowledge in the area
Design Surveying the landscape and people Make maps and diagrams about information gathered
Design Surveying the landscape and people Make a map with overlays of the different microclimates in a garden - sun/shades, wet/dry, wind/shelter.
Design Surveying the landscape and people Interview, or create a questionnaire/survey to give out to, children, friends or other people about their needs and wishes for the design.
Design Surveying the landscape and people List all the different resources which you have that could be relevant, e.g. using headings of paste (plants, animals, structures, tools and events).
Design Surveying the landscape and people Appreciate the designs in nature that help natural systems to work well.

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