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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Connections Patterns Learn about fractal forms that you meet in your everyday life, e.g. spiral in sunflower, cauliflower, ferns.
Connections Patterns Find out about the permaculture principle 'Design from Pattern to Details' through examining a tree and it's leaf. Discuss how nature uses patterns and why.
Connections Patterns Explore patterns in daily, solar, seasonal and lunar cycles, and make a connection with how we all live within cycles large and small and their impact on us.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Listen to different types of music and notice how they make you feel - then make a chart to show which ones made you feel the most peaceful inside; notice the other feelings that came up as well.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Make a peace meter - and mark on it how peaceful you feel in different places, spaces and times - home, school classroom, playground, in trees etc.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Find a place that would be hard for a person with a disability (e.g. wheelchair user) to be able to enter and make a drawing of how the place could be adapted so that they could be comfortable. If possible, share the drawings/plans with the managers/owners of that place.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Make a campaign about something affecting children in your local area: make posters, letters, a petition; role play how you will talk with people about the problem you want to change.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Play a simulation game to compare and contrast authoritarian vs collaborative leadership and discuss (or watch the video "Blue Eyes, Green Eyes, or the Berkley experiment and discuss).
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Learn Peace Dances - circle dances from different countries.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Play the game "Step into my circle if..." game to discover commonalities and diversity between the children.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Listen to the story of the "Peace Pilgrim", Gandhi, Mandala, and Martin Luther King and other leaders that fought for peace and justice: discuss what things you admire and why.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Discuss the story of two tribes at war, send youths to fight to see who will win; instead at the end of a long day they decide to take rest and end up listening to each others stories from their tribes; then they decide not to fight and bring peace to their communities by sharing the other tribes stories with the rest of their tribe.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Learn how a conflict can be an opportunity for growth, inspiration and deeper mutual understanding.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Explore vocabulary: war, peace, diversity, justice, integration, segregation, inclusion, exclusion, negotation, compromise, win-win.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Do a simulation game of two countries at war based on a real situation (past or present); the children must negotiate together a peace agreement.
Our human family Peace and diversity in the world Learn about how Nelson Mandela brought peace after apartheid through getting people to listen to each other's stories of how they had been harmed.
Our human family Peace and harmony Recognise and appreciate that someone is cooperating well or helping others to feel good. For example, have a time at the end of a session for everyone to express if someone was caring or helpful.
Our human family Peace and harmony Experience the world as if you had different special needs (blindfolded, in a wheelchair, speaking only with hands).
Our human family Peace and harmony Learn that even if we look different or speak differently, we have the same feelings inside as all other people and that in their own ways, animals and plants also have their way of feeling.
Preparing food Planning and using harvests which are grown or foraged Taste food from other cultures (can you involve parents in helping with this?)

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