Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Listen to stories about earthworms, bacteria, fungi, insects and other creatures that keep the soil healthy and happy. |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Learn the common names of common minibeasts (e.g. earthworm, woodlice, stag beetle). |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Learn about soil erosion and how to prevent it. |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Explore the properties of soil: what is soil made of? What makes it fertile? |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Listen to the earth (e.g. ear on soil/child-made telephone to Mother Earth) - it is alive and full of energy in roots, fungi and worms all working together to create soil - a precious resource that needs us to care for it. |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
See different soil-living species in different stages of life (e.g. egg, larva, adult). |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Identify minibeasts in nature. |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Move soil and mulch with spades, shovels and rakes. |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Create useful items from clay (e.g. pots, adobe bricks). |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Observe soil in the forest and how different elements take part in creating, building and using it (stone, trees, branches, water, animals, shade, soil life, wind, etc). |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
See, smell and touch different types of soils under different types of trees in woodlands and other systems. |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Find out what worms do (and how that helps the plants). |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Spot different plants which can tell you about the soil, and the history of the site (e.g. nettles often grow where humans once lived and urinated). |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Dramatise life in soil in which children act as the different elements in soil e.g. stones, minerals, water, air, humus, earthworms, fungus, plant roots, seeds, bacteria etc. |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Read or listen to mythological stories from around the world with symbolic representations of the earth; discuss the wisdom of ancient cultures in their relationship to the earth. |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Observe soil life under a microscope to see the diversity of life. |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Find out about the life-cycle of worms and other minibeasts. |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Learn about the process of decomposition. |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Stand barefoot on the earth and imagine tensions releasing into the ground; imagine you are a mountain, a solid and unmovable part of the earth itself. |
Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
Lie down outside on the ground, Eyes closed, feel part of the earth; imagine seasons passing, weather changes and breathe deeply. |