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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The animal kingdom: Patterns, functions, relationships Discuss ways which animals help people, and how (e.g. bees pollinate plants without which we wouldn't eat any fruit, spiders eat mosquitoes).
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The animal kingdom: Patterns, functions, relationships Learn how the food web and web of life works in a particular local habitat.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms The animal kingdom: Patterns, functions, relationships Learn about animal adaptations to extreme conditions (e.g. cold, wet, dry, hot).
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Mushrooms Learn that there are many species of mushrooms, and that some are edible and others poisonous.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Mushrooms Listen to a story about trees talking to each in a forest through the tiny thread like web of fungi that interconnect the roots of the trees throughout the entire forest. Imagine being a tree in the forest - standing in the tree yoga position for example with the other children to make a forest. What messages do you send to each other?
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Mushrooms Collect mushrooms and use them for cooking (in cooperation with adults).
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Mushrooms See and touch different shapes/sizes/species of mushrooms with an adult.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Fungi: parasites, recyclers and the wood wide web Learn that a mushroom is like an apple on a tree - it is the fruit of the living organism, the majority of which is under the ground as mycellium.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Fungi: parasites, recyclers and the wood wide web Learn that mycorrhizal fungi are so important to plants that plants actually feed them.
The animal, fungus and bacteria kingdoms Fungi: parasites, recyclers and the wood wide web Learn that different fungi have different ways of living e.g. 'mycorrhizal' fungi feed plants and get their food from plants; parasites eat living plants; recyclers eat dead matter.

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