Welcome to the Children in Permaculture Activities section
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• You may find it useful to look at the this graphical overview of the Themes and Topics.
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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Water Water for Life Play the Conductor of the Thunderstorm game - make the sound of a storm, starting with pattering rain by slapping hands on thighs, then faster and harder, with thundering stamping feet - the conductor raises and lowers the volume.
Water Water for Life Song: "The River is Flowing"
Water Water for Life Imagine being the dry earth, and how the gentle rainfall soaks into it, awakening seeds and life inside.
Water Water ecosystems Learn about the differences between salt water and fresh water environments for fish and other aquatic life.
Water Water ecosystems See an aquatic ecosystem (e.g. biodiverse pond)
Water Water ecosystems Learn about local rivers and seas.
Water The properties of water and the water cycle Watch diffusion of a something (e.g. a dye) and see how it is absorbed by a plant.
Water The properties of water and the water cycle Experiment with filtering water with different materials.
Water The properties of water and the water cycle Learn about the water cycle and the patterns of water moving through the landscape.
Water The properties of water and the water cycle Listen to a story about the water cycle (the story of a drop of water traveling through the sea, up into the clouds, falling on the earth, absorbed by soil, into aquifers etc)

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