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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Connections Patterns Observe the sound landscape, listening for patterns (e.g. bird song, river etc.).
Connections The big family of nature: all of nature is connected and we all need each other Listen to stories about connections, such as the books "All I see is a part of me" by Chara Curtis, "The Lorax" by Dr. Suess, "Uno's Garden" by Graeme Base.
Connections The web of life List all the inputs and the outputs for a common plant or animal (different groups could take different plants/animals), get creative, see how many inputs/outputs you can list. Draw the connections with other plants and animals, can you draw it into a closed loop system where all the outputs become inputs for something else?
Connections The web of life Connect to your own impact on the rest of the Earth by celebrating the great things you already do.
Connections The big family of nature: all of nature is connected and we all need each other Find out about fungus and explore the big family of nature.
Connections Patterns Observe the similarities between human beings and other animals (eat, sleep, excrete...).
Connections Patterns Make prints from leaves, bark, shells and other interesting natural textures and patterns.
Connections The web of life Experience a natural system (e.g. a native woodland) whilst blindfolded, how many different bird songs can you catch? How many different species can you feel/smell/hear?
Connections The web of life Stay overnight in the wood to get deeper connections to nature and each other.
Connections The web of life Explore how all living things depend on the sun, water, soil, air, and other plants, animals, fungi and bacteria to live, through matching cards with the different elements drawn on them.

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