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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Observe or spot permaculture principles in action in nature.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) See the natural diversity which appears at the edges between habitats (e.g. river-forest, forest-field, hedges - look for birds, use quadrats to count plant species).
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Develop skills connected with permaculture principles e.g. 'catch and store energy' through making pickles.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Obtain a Yield' from a garden by harvesting a plant, and eating it whilst discussing that principle.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Reflect on the permaculture principles in various contexts such as through writing, drawing, science.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Invite children to invent their own games connected with permaculture principles:
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Plan how the principle 'Produce no Waste' can be implemented in your group/school e.g. using paper on both sides, recycling, using natural materials that will decompose.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Sing songs about permaculture and its principles (look for "Formidable Vegetable Sound System" for examples).
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) Compare how permaculture principles are reflected in nature and in the garden.
Permaculture ethics and principles The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) At the end of an activity children can give and receive feedback, and think how it can be better next time.

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