Soil and stone |
Exploring soil and soil life |
See, smell and touch soil. |
Connections |
Patterns |
Listen to stories about the patterns of nature - patterns of the seasons and other natural cycles. |
Connections |
Patterns |
Observe the similarities between human beings and other animals (eat, sleep, excrete...). |
Connections |
Patterns |
Collect things which are abundant at that time of year: foraging (e.g. berries). |
Connections |
Patterns |
Spot the plants, insects or birds which are abundant in certain seasons. |
Connections |
Patterns |
See branching and spiral patterns in different natural systems (e.g. water, flowers, growing plants). |
Connections |
Patterns |
Create your own pattern (like a mandala, or spiral). |
Connections |
Patterns |
Observe the sound landscape, listening for patterns (e.g. bird song, river etc.). |
Connections |
Patterns |
Play percussion instruments together, with groups following different rhythms that combine together like an orchestra. |
Connections |
Patterns |
Dance in a pattern, e.g. a spiral. |