Permaculture ethics and principles |
What is permaculture? |
Explore the idea that when you work with nature, it can take less energy. For example, after experiencing two different ways to collect water (e.g. one involving carrying a watering up a hill, and the other allowing it to flow down the hill to where you want it). A discussion can help children to think about how to work with the natural flow of water. |
Permaculture ethics and principles |
What is permaculture? |
Play a game which explains what permaculture is. |
Permaculture ethics and principles |
What is permaculture? |
Discuss t the difference between want and need. |
Permaculture ethics and principles |
What is permaculture? |
With Eyes closed, do a creative visualisation of a journey through a world of abundance and harmony with nature - then make drawings or write about the experience. |
Permaculture ethics and principles |
What is permaculture? |
Discuss Gandhi's statement "There is enough for everyone's need but not everyone's greed". |
Permaculture ethics and principles |
The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) |
Observe or spot the permaculture principles being demonstrated in a particular place, such as a garden. |
Permaculture ethics and principles |
The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) |
Develop skills connected with permaculture principles e.g. 'catch and store energy' through making pickles. |
Permaculture ethics and principles |
The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) |
After an excursion (to a new part in town, neighbourhood, elderly home, forest, country), discuss how the principles 'Use and Value Diversity' and 'Integrate rather than Segregate' can help us to appreciate how each person in the group is different and has different skills and abilities, and think about how we can make sure we include everybody. |
Permaculture ethics and principles |
The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) |
See the natural diversity which appears at the edges between habitats (e.g. river-forest, forest-field, hedges - look for birds, use quadrats to count plant species). |
Permaculture ethics and principles |
The permaculture principles (Mollison's and/or Holmgren's) |
Obtain a Yield' from a garden by harvesting a plant, and eating it whilst discussing that principle. |