Welcome to the Children in Permaculture Activities section
• You can find an overview of our work on the background info page.
• You may find it useful to look at the this graphical overview of the Themes and Topics.
• To navigate activities according to the Themes and Topics, we suggest you use the "Activities by Theme" menu above.

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Holistic Planning

A. Introducing permaculture
B. Living nature
C. Design
D. Growing food
E. Built environment and resource use
F. Social permaculture
Holistic planning (HP):

Theme  Topic  Sub Topic Age HP Details
Plants and trees Exploring and naming plants and trees Find different kinds of seeds in a wild meadow or natural area
Plants and trees Exploring and naming plants and trees Grow a plant from a seed, or plant a tree
Plants and trees Exploring and naming plants and trees Listen to the voice of the wind through the leaves of trees and then make a musical instrument that makes a similar sound.
Plants and trees Exploring and naming plants and trees Take care of a plant - e.g. a tree you have planted, by asking the children questions to help them connect to the plant's needs "Look at the plant, I wonder why it's leaves are drooping down. What can we do to make it feel better?"
Plants and trees Exploring and naming plants and trees Climb a tree without harming it
Plants and trees Exploring and naming plants and trees Notice thorns and other ways that plants protect themselves.
Plants and trees Exploring and naming plants and trees Notice and feel the composition of the forest floor.
Plants and trees Exploring and naming plants and trees Collect seeds, observe and identify them
Plants and trees Exploring and naming plants and trees Before touching a tree, close your Eyes and imagine love filling your Hands. Touch the tree with your loving Hands and try to listen to what the plant is telling through your Hands. Remember that trees don't have voices and ears but communicate through feelings. Can you feel the tree communicating?
Plants and trees Exploring and naming plants and trees Give plants and trees names - so that they become unique individuals and the children feel a personal connection - they can even make name signs for their plants (e.g. Mark the Marrow or Grandfather Tree).

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